2023: 「海女と工芸」 Ama Divers and Craft
女子美術大学のプロジェクト スタディーズ授業「鳥羽ストーリーズ・アートプロジェクト」は、女子美術大学の学生と三重県鳥羽市市民の協働プロジェクト。学生たちが現地を調査し、市民と交流してアート 作品を制作する。現地で作品の展示会を開く。
Toba Stories Art Project is a subject of Joshibi University of Art and Design taught by Associate Professor Linda Dennis. It is a collaborative project between Joshibi students and local people of Toba City, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Students visit Toba and then create artworks inspired by the stories they heard from the people of Toba. They then visit Toba again for more creative activities and an exhibition of the project results.
This project is made possible thanks to the support of Toba City Tourism, Joshibi University of Art & Design, and Touch Base Creative Network.