Exhibition News:
Links, Connecting Meanjin and Tokyo.
Linda Dennis / Kay Watanabe / Nana Kawamura
Aug 13 (Tue) – 24 (Sat) 2024

Exhibition News:
Toba Stories Art Project: Ama Divers and Craft
Jan 6 (Sat) – Mar 10 (Sun), 2024
Update: Exhibition extended to Mar 24 (Sun), 2024

Research Bridge Exhibition News:

Research Bridge Exhibition News:
NIICHEBU・SAMU Exhibition, The Amazing World of Danbooru
14 – 23 Dec 2022

Research Bridge Exhibition News:
Flows, Porcelain & Glass Collaboration Exhibition
Joshibi University: 25 Nov 2022
Sohyoh Kiln: 1 – 28 Dec 2022

Research Bridge Exhibition News:
Toba Stories Art Project Document Exhibition
Joshibi University: 3 Oct – 22 Nov 2022

ARToba+ Exhibition News
ARUGA Ayaka / KOGURE Michiko / KURIBAYASHI Manatsu / HATA Ayame / TAKURA Tai / YAMAHATA Mirei / GAO JingLu / INAGAKI Nodoka / SUZUKI Harue
5 – 14 Jan 2022

Various Periods between 18 Jul 2020 – 31 Mar 2021

Toba Stories Art Project in Arashima
10 Aug 2019 – Long-term Exhibition

ARToba Exhibition News:
From Primary Senses: Linda DENNIS & Yumi MASHIKI
Nov 11, 2018 – Jan 17, 2019
ARToba Start!
ARToba – a creative space linked with the community of Toba.
Established by Touch Base Creative Network in November 2018. Please see the ARToba page for information.
ARToba スタート!
アートば – 鳥羽コミュニティとつながる創造的なスペース。
Joint Initiative: Touch Base Creative Network & Griffith Centre for Creative Arts Research
Curation by Linda Dennis & Pat Hoffie
Exhibition/Event/Open Studio: 26 – 28 Sept 2016
Closing Party: From 5pm, 28 Sept
Hours: 12 – 6pm
Location: AIR 3331 Nishikicho Studio, Igarashi Building, 2F 3-16 Kanda-Nishikicho Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo, 101-0054
Access: Jimbocho Station: 6 mins walk from Exit A9, Hanzomon Line, Toei Mita Line, Toei Shinjuku Line
会場:AIR 3331錦町スタジオ 東京都千代田神田錦町3-16 五十嵐ビル2F
A cross-cultural exchange project based on the value of making connections and valuing contingencies.
Drawing Water is an exchange project between students from Queensland College of Art, Griffith University (QCA), Brisbane, Australia, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), and Joshibi University of Art and Design (Joshibi).
Water is central to contemporary concerns about sustainability; but it has also been central to our own physical being (our bodies are composed of at least 70 percent of water) and to our dreams and unconscious. The project will encourage artists to search for streams of continuity and rivers of shared ideas and follow them until they arrive at inland seas where new possibilities of understanding and connecting the world bob on the surface.
The Drawing Water project will begin with a series of on-line exchanges by visual researchers from all institutions, and will culminate in a ten-day workshop in Tokyo in September 2016. Outcomes will include exhibitions and events in Tokyo and Brisbane, papers, and an online catalogue.
This project is a joint initiative between Griffith Centre for Creative Arts Research and Touch Base Creative Network.
Organization: Griffith Centre for Creative Arts Research (GCCAR) & Touch Base Creative Network
主催: グリフィス大学芸術研究センター(GCCAR) & タッチ・ベース・クリエーティブ・ネットワーク
Group 1
Carol McGregor (QCA)
Sachiko Suzuki, Yuki Sawaoka (TUA)
Mana Ishimoto, Masumi Iida (JOSHIBI)
Group 2
Sally Molloy (QCA)
Miyoko Ozaki (TUA)
Nonoko Kanke, Misuzu Kanda (JOSHIBI)
Group 3
Anthony Vue (QCA)
Rubii Miyoshi (TUA)
Misaki Nakatsuji, Sayuri Furukawa, Hanano Sakamoto (JOSHIBI)
Group 4
Nat Koyama (QCA)
Miyuki Inagaki, Tomohiro Kubota (TUA)
Maho Saito, Madoka Sugino (JOSHIBI)
Ross Woodrow, Pat Hoffie, Bill Platz, Russell Craig (Queensland College of Art GCCAR)
Linda Dennis (Touch Base Creative Network)
Katsuaki Sakata (Joshibi University of Art & Design)
Hirotoshi Sakaguchi (Tokyo University of the Arts)
坂田 勝亮(女子美術大学)
坂口 寛敏(東京藝術大学)
問い合わせ先: [email protected]
Touch Base Project: Satellite Film Festival Organization
3.11 Film Festival in Kii-Nagashima. 20 March 2016. From 7pm
3.11映画祭 in 紀伊長島 3月20日(日)19時〜
– Organized by Touch Base Creative Network.
– Related event of Kumano Kodo Exhibition in Kii-Nagashima 2016
Satellite event of the 3.11 Film Festival.
Free screening of two documentaries “Cans of Hope” and “Umi Yama Aida”. Sunday March 20 from 7pm, in Kihokucho Tamokuteki Kaikan.
Address: 971 Nagashima, Kii-Nagashima-ku, Kihoku-cho, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
Contact: Linda Dennis
3.11映画祭 in 紀伊長島
熊野古道美術展 in 紀伊長島2016の関連イベントです
Touch Base Project: Exhibition Co-organization
Kumano Kodo Art Exhibition in Kii-Nagashima 2015
Art in a Town by the Sea
Contemporary Art to Traditional Art
Dates 28 (Sat) – 30 (Mon) March 2015
Hours 10am – 5.30pm (last day ends at 3pm)
Location: Specially arranged Gallery Spaces in Local Buildings
Between Nagashima Matsumoto”s “Kaze no Hiroba – Open Space” and Honmachi Crossing
Kaze no Hiroba, Nagashima Matsumoto, Kii-Nagashima-ku, Kihoku-cho, Kitamuro-gun, Mie Prefecture, Japan
Access: Ten minutes walk from Kii Nagashima station, JR Kisei Hon Sen Line, Mie Prefecture, Japan
Free Admission
Organizers: Arashiya Art no Kai (Kii Nagashima), Touch Base Creative Network (Tokyo – Linda Dennis)
Co-sponsors: Town Revitalization Through Art Association, Kii-Nagashima Youth Development Association
Supporters: The Mie Kumano-Kodo Society of Commerce and Industry, Kihoku-cho Culture Association
Special Co-operation: R.Link Corporation
Co-operation: Hotel Tokinoza
くまの古道美術展 in 紀伊長島2015 アート、海の街で
Kumano Kodo Art Exhibition in Kii-Nagashima 2015Art in a Town by the Sea
日時 3月28日(土)~30日(月)10:00から17:30(最終日15:00)
会場 長島松本「風の広場」~本町交差点の古民家特設ギャラリー
アクセス 紀伊長島駅から歩いて10分
主催 嵐屋アートの会 タッチベース・クリエイティブ・ネットワーク(東京 リンダ・デニス)
共催 アートで町おこしの会、紀伊長島青少年育成協議会
後援 みえ熊野古道商工会、紀北町文化協会
特別協賛 (株)R.Link Corporation
協賛 ホテル季の座
Touch Base (At Geidai)
(Open to Geidai students, graduates, and invited guests)
Meetings were held as part of “Linda Seminar Series” at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2014 & 2015.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting, July 15th (Wed) 2015 from 6pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2015年7月15日(水)18時〜。
プレゼンター :タッチベース関係のプロジェクト:くまの古道美術展 in 紀伊長島2105の参加アーティスト。
Presenters: Participating artists of Touch Base related project: Kumano Kodo Art Exhibition in Kii Nagashima 2015.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: December 9 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年12月9日(火)19時〜。
Koichiro Osaka
Curator at Scai The Bathhouse. Studied curation at Central Saint Martins, London.
Jeffrey Chiedo
A Tokyo based Artist (usually photography or performance), gallerist, collector, curator, critic and antagonist. Gallery Owner of Motus Fort.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: November 25 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年11月25日(火)19時〜。
プレゼンター Presenters:
Chiei Ishida:
Works at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo.
Born in Tokyo and has lived in the US and Australia. She has recently completed her Master’s thesis on Chinese and Taiwanese performance art in relation to the 1980s democratic movements.
東京出身。国立オーストラリア大学大学院修了。 現在、東京都現代美術館勤務。
Chris Bennie:
Australian artist and part time lecturer at Griffith University, Queensland College of Art,
Currently on 2 month Asialink residency at Youkobo Artspace, Nishi Ogikubo, Tokyo
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: October 28 (Tue) from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年10月28日(火)19時〜。
プレゼンターズ Presenters:
Jay Koh: Born in Singapore, and identifies himself as a Southeast Asian artist- curator and researcher.
Jaime Humphreys: British artist living and working in Tokyo. He works closely with Youkobo Art Space
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: July 1 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年7月1日(火)19時〜。
Utako Shindo is an artist who undertakes curatorial practice. She is currently doing a PhD at the University of Melbourne.
Keith Whittle, British curator.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: June 17 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年6月17日(火)19時〜。
Wiebke Grimmig, a German Cultural Anthropologist, based in Japan. She is researching the influence of the 3/11 disaster on the artists of Japan.
English web link
Yi Hyewon, a Korean curator living and working in Tokyo.
Hyewon curates exhibitions and events in Japan and Korea.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: June 3 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年6月17日(火)19時〜。
Presentations, and collaborative drawing activity done in pairs.
Hayato Fujioka, Curator with a particular interest in contemporary British and Japanese art. Hayato studied in London at Central Saint Martins specialising in art criticism and curation of contemporary art as well as photography and documentary filmmaking.
Emma Ota (太田エマ Dis Locate ): British curator and researcher based in Tokyo. Her practices focus upon media arts and international exchange.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: May 13 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年6月17日(火)19時〜。
Presentations, and Portfolio Viewing.
Presenters: プレゼンター:
Kevin Andrew Curran ( AIRPLANE Gallery, New York)
Takaki Masuzawa ( Horta (オルタ))
Airplane Gallery, Brooklyn, New York.
Horta オルタ.
Touch Base (at Geidai) Meeting: April 22 (Tue) 2014 from 7pm
「タッチ・ベース – at ゲイダイ-」ミーティング:2014年6月17日(火)19時〜。
Presentations, and a collaborative activity done in pairs.
Presenters: プレゼンター:
Karin Pisarikova、 東京在住、アーティスト&キュレーター。
Emily Wakeling、東京在住、キュレーター。
Touch Base (In Tokyo)
(Open to all members)
Events, such as exhibition visits, performance attendance, talk events, informal gatherings, etc, are held in Tokyo to enable members to meet and deepen ties. Information can be found on Touch Base’s Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
Members are encouraged to organize and/or promote events they think will be of interest to Touch Base members, and to post information in the Facebook and LinkedIn groups.