Flows, Porcelain & Glass Collaboration Exhibition
An exhibition of works created by Sohyoh Kiln of Arita, and students and faculty of Joshibi University of Art & Design.
「フロー」磁器 & ガラス コラボレーション展覧会

@ Joshibi University of Art & Design
Exhibition Period: 25 Nov 2022. 10am – 4pm
Venue: Research Bridge, Joshibi University of Art & Design, Sagamihara Campus, Bldg No. 10, 3F
Address: 1900 Azamizodai, Minami-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-8538, Japan
TEL: 042-778-6111 (main)
Exhibition Period: 1 – 28 Dec 2022. 9am – 5pm (Sat, Sun, Nat. holidays: closed)
Venue: Sohyoh Kiln Showroom
Address: 1-5-14, Nakataru, Arita, Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga 844-0002
Exhibition Theme: Ocean
- Collaborative Lidded Bowls. Glass lids were created by Joshibi students to suit porcelain bowls created by Sohyoh Kiln.
- Ocean inspired small glass artworks made by students and faculty of Joshibi.
Participating Artists:
Sohyoh Kiln (Arita)
TSUJI Toshihiko / TSUJI Takuma / OHORI Hina
Joshibi University of Art & Design
KATAGIRI Himawari / TSUKURA Chieri / TONASHI Ayaka / MURAKAMI Shiho / MERA Haruna / MIZOI Yuka / ZHANG Yuan
KATO Naoko / SUZUKI Emiko / Linda DENNIS
Project Planning: Touch Base Creative Network
Curation: Linda Dennis (Professor, Art and Culture Major, Joshibi University of Art & Design)
Cooperation: Sohyoh Kiln, KATO Naoko (Associate Professor, Glass Course, Joshibi University of Art & Design)
Poster design: ZHANG JingYue (Joshibi University, Art and Culture student)
Exhibition Preparation: HASEGAWA Sayoko (Joshibi University, Art and Culture student)
磁器 & ガラス コラボレーション展覧会
展示期間:2022年11月25日 10時〜16時
展示期間:2022年12月1日(金)〜28日(水) 9:00~17:00(土日祝日/定休日)
会場:聡窯 ショールーム
住所:〒844-0002 佐賀県西松浦郡有田町中樽1-5-14
展示会テーマ: 海
- コラボレーション:ウツワ&フタ。聡窯の磁器に合わせて女子美術大学の学生が作ったガラスの蓋。
- 女子美の学生・教員による海をイメージしたガラス小作品。
聡窯 有田焼
辻 聡彦 / 辻 拓眞 / 大堀 日
女子美術大学 芸術学科
片桐 ひまわり / 津倉 知里 / 唐梨子 あやか / 村上 詩歩 / 米良 陽菜 / 溝井優香 / 張 袁
加藤 尚子 / 鈴木 絵美子 / リンダ デニス
企画:Touch Base Creative Network
キュレーション:リンダ・デニス(女子美術大学 芸術学部芸術文化専攻 教授)
協力:聡窯、加藤 尚子(女子美術大学 芸術学部工芸専攻 准教授)
ポスターデザイン:ZHANG JingYue(女子美術大学芸術文化専攻 学生)
展覧会準備:長谷川小葉子(女子美術大学芸術文化専攻 学生)

Exhibition Greeting
This collaborative exhibition is inspired by a belief in the creative flow, and the stimulus diversity can bring to creativity. It brings together glass artists and ceramic artists of diverse backgrounds, separated geographically. It has been developed in an organic way founded on the good will of participants, and I look forward to future possibilities of its progression.
The idea for the exhibition was born on a beach in Toba city, Mie prefecture, Japan. I was recuperating from a back injury and was exercising by walking in the sand. On my walks, I was surprised to find pieces of sea glass and sea ceramic. It was fascinating to see these broken pieces that had been transformed into beautiful objects through the interaction with nature.
Some of the ceramics were broken pieces of Arita porcelain, and as I had studied ceramics in Arita town in my youth, the idea of connecting students studying glass at Joshibi University and Sohyoh Kiln in Arita seemed a natural next step.
On the beach, I also found large amounts of plastic debris. Like many others I have grown concerned about the problems of plastic pollution and have been working to reduce plastic usage in my everyday life.
This led to me to commission Joshibi glass students to make lids for use in the home in substitute of plastic lids and plastic wraps. I hope you enjoy seeing these lids in this exhibition. Artists of Sohyoh Kiln have made bowls and selected existing pieces to suit these lids. It has been a joy to see this creative dialogue between artists.
The ocean inspired theme of the exhibition continues with small pieces made by Joshibi University students and faculty. After this exhibition a number of these pieces will be sent to the Sea-Folk Museum in Toba city to be available for purchase in the museum giftshop.
I wish to thank everyone who has supported this project. This activity is part of my research into the power of ‘touch’ and connection aimed at making the world a better place. I hope that the new relationships formed between people in Joshibi University, Arita Town, and Toba City will continue to blossom in the future.
Linda Dennis