
Ryuzo ONOE
Born in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture.
Moved from Tokyo to Daio-cho, Shima City three years ago.
Until 1989, he was active as a “Jiyu Bijutsu” group member. He also participated in activities of Setagaya Printmaking Studio since its early days.
From 1970 to 1989, he exhibited in the artist group exhibition “Hanga Sen Ten” at Setagaya Printmaking Studio every year.
Exhibited in “Jiyu Bijutsu” group exhibitions for more than 10 years. Also, as a masterprinter, he printed copperplate prints by Shigeo ISHII held in the collection of Mie Prefectural Art Museum.
His current base of activities in Shima City, AO Printmaking Studio, was planned and established by Hajime SATO and Ryuzo ONOE, extending the legacy of Setagaya Printmaking Studio, established in Tokyo by Takeo SATO in 1969.
In 2017, interested people established the Shima Print Artist Book Creators’ Association following the donation of a printing press to the Shima City Daio Art Gallery.
Related Exhibition: Ryuzo Onoe and Others
尾上 隆三
3 年前に東京都から志摩市大王町に移住。
1989 年まで自由美術会員として活躍。世田谷版画工房の設立初期から参加していた。
1970 年~1989 年まで世田谷版画工房の作家グループ展「版画銛展」に毎年参加。
「自由美術」に 10 数年間出品。
現在の活動拠点であるアオ版画工房は、銅版画家の佐藤武雄が 1969 年自宅に設立した世田谷版画工房 が前身であり、同所で学んだ佐藤肇と尾上隆三が企画し設立した。
また、志摩市大王美術ギャラリーに版画のプレス機を寄贈したことをきっかけに 2017 年有志が志摩版 画アーティストブック制作者の会を設立した。